Reaching out through New Media

This post is dedicated to those who believe in using social networks and take the time to spread unity, opinion and truthfulness to anyone who may be listening. I’m not talking about any kind of Religious order, I’m talking about countering the negative press coming from top media outlets.

Turn on the TV to any “news” program these days and the same thing happens. Some talking head comes on displaying fabricated or partial truths in order to make headlines and boost ratings. So much “bad press” has been pushed out regarding the problems that face this nation, people are on the brink of being brain-washed by it.

Fortunately, there is hope! The answer is (real) grass roots organization using “New Media”. For anyone that doesn’t know, the term New Media is being used to explain the “digitized, computerized, networked information and communication” used by forums such as the one you used to find this article. Rep. Alan Grayson, in a conversation with Robert Greenwald today explained New Media as the “only” way to reach our younger generation. He said that power that comes from making a conscious choice to retrieve the types of information you are interested in instead of letting the major media networks stream it into your head.

This is the new way of communicating, and what makes it even better, is that it’s a two-way conversation. When the President of the United States takes pictures from Air Force one on his Blackberry and posts them on his Facebook page from Twitter, you’d better believe the world is changing. Being active no longer means gathering together in massive groups and marching on Washington. Most of us figured out that that doesn’t really help back in the 60’s. It’s now possible for every-day citizens to organize, educate and spread hope to others through simple steps from the comfort of their homes, offices, Starbucks or where ever everyone is blogging, posting and tweeting from. This kind of activity does more then demonstrates that there are people who have good, honest ideas to help the world, it also brings us close to a collective consciousness.

What Must Be Done

  • We must organize with each other and share as much information as we can find that shows what policies & stories help the world
  • We must expose corruption and mis-information about our elected officials that push their own agendas that hurt our society
  • We must work together and create a unity Of the people, By the people & For the people. Everyone with a brain and a computer has the ability to do this
  • We must turn off our TV’s and cut off the stream, then get our information from a variety of mainstream and independent news sources and make our own decisions
  • Open educated and intellectual dialogs with people you run into; Respect their opinions but also have your own
  • Avoid the “comments” sections of main-stream news sites like CBS, Fox, CNN, etc; these do not usually help and frequently become mindless mud-slinging

Facebook Groups:

Facebook is a great place to start. The following groups are some of the most progressive ones I’ve found that work toward this purpose. The more of us the join, the closer and stronger we become. These are just a few that I like. Join them, then join groups like it by seeing what others have joined. Together we can override ignorance with cooperative collective and educated discussion.

Descriptions below are mostly from each groups Info tab. There are many, many more groups than this. If you know of some, post them as a comment to this blog, or from the Facebook page you found it.

Democracy Now
A daily TV/radio news program, hosted by Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, airing on over 800 stations, pioneering the largest community media collaboration in the U.S.

Public Citizen
Since 1971, Public Citizen has been a national, nonprofit public interest organization representing consumer interests in Congress, the executive branch and the courts.

The Opinionated Liberal
A place for Liberals, Progressives, and Democrats to discuss and vent about the news without right-wing trolls!

The Beer Party
Sounds silly, and actually started out that way, but has become an almost 5,000 member movement of unity, news and good times.

Free Speech for People
This campaign seeks to restore the First Amendment to its original purpose: to protect people, not corporations.

I support Obama in how he has handled the challenges of his first term..
Pres. Obama had some really tough challenges facing him on entering the office. He is constantly criticized by the far right for not fixing the country’s many problems in his first year. We need to be realistic and give him time.

Brave New Films
Robert Greenwald and Brave New Films are at the forefront of the fight to create a just America and we want you to join us.

Independent & Radical News Organizations & Shows:

The Huffington Post

The Daily Kos

Mother Jones News

The Rachel Maddow Show

Crooks and Liars

Once again, we all have a voice and through our voices, the truth will be spread. Post you favorite sites and share the real stories.

can’t stop the signal Mel

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